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8 Dec 2023 - The weight loss drug shaping-up as a gamechanger

By: Magellan Asset Management

The weight loss drug shaping-up as a gamechanger

Magellan Asset Management

November 2023

The world is awash with news that a drug designed to treat type 2 diabetes has also been approved to help achieve weight loss. Glucagon-like peptide 1 -- or GLP-1 -- is considered by some as a wonder drug and a new weapon in the public health battle against obesity. But what are the wider implications for the investment world? In this episode of Magellan In The Know, Portfolio Manager Nikki Thomas is joined by three Magellan Investment Analysts: Emma Henderson, Wilson Nghe and Tracey Wahlberg. Together they discuss the investment landscape surrounding GLP-1, looking at the pitfalls and potential financial benefits for sectors from healthcare, food retailing and restaurants to fashion, exploring which parts of the consumption landscape could be winners or losers. 

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