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29 Aug 2023 - The Rate Debate - Ep 41: Uncertainty abounds in the face of economic challenges

By: Yarra Capital Management


The Rate Debate - Ep 41: Uncertainty abounds

in the face of economic challenges

Yarra Capital Management

August 2023

Amidst ongoing economic uncertainties, the RBA has seen fit to keep rates on hold for a consecutive month and wait to see how the lagging effects of 12 rate hikes play out.

While inflation is decelerating, uncertainty abounds over consumer spending, falling productivity and wage growth. Will the central bank's aim to deliver a soft landing make it harder to get inflation back to target, meaning that this pause is short-lived?

Darren is joined by special guest Phil Strano, Senior Portfolio Manager in charge of credit research, to explore this and more in episode 41 of The Rate Debate.

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Yarra Australian Equities FundYarra Emerging Leaders FundYarra Enhanced Income FundYarra Income Plus Fund

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