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13 Apr 2023 - Kardinia podcast: What happens when a bank fails

By: Kardinia Capital

Kardinia podcast: What happens when a bank fails

Kardinia Capital

March 2023

Kristiaan Rehder talks to Bennelong Fund Management's Stuart Fechner about the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank and its impact on Australia, the flavour of the recent reporting season, and the ongoing effect of rising interest rates and inflation.

"If we'd had this conversation three weeks ago, I would have said to you the interest rate futures are predicting maybe an 80 or 100 basis points increase in interest rates through to the end of the year. If we look at it today, the Australian futures market is indicating no further increases and then cuts of around 20 basis points at the end of the year. So if you're a mortgage owner, you have a lot of cause for celebration."

  • 0:57 - Why SVB failed, and why it could halt interest rate rises
  • 5:00 - The theme from the recent reporting season
  • 6:22 - The impact of rising rates and inflation on companies as well as consumers
  • 10:19 - How this is affecting the residential housing market
  • 12:01 - How Kardinia is positioning its portfolio accordingly

Funds operated by this manager:

Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund

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