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31 Aug 2022 - Market volatility creates opportunities

By: L1 Capital

Market volatility creates opportunities

L1 Capital

August 2022

WEBINAR REPLAY | L1 Capital International Fund | August 25, 2022

David Steinthal, CIO of L1 Capital International, provides an update on the positioning of the L1 Capital International Fund and key takeaways from recent results season.

                                                        •  Investment environment (0.45)

                                                         • Performance and Portfolio recap (4.26)

                                                         • Results season - Key takeaways (9.12)

                                                         • Summary (23.13)

                                                         • Q&A (24.17)

                                                               Request the recording now!

Funds operated by this manager:

 L1 Capital Long Short Fund (Monthly Class)L1 Capital International FundL1 Capital Long Short Fund (Daily Class)L1 Long Short Fund Limited (ASX: LSF)L1 Capital Catalyst FundL1 Capital Global Opportunities Fund

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