Laureola Australia Feeder Fund

Manager Summary

Laureola Advisors is specialist investment management firm offering conservative risk mitigated exposure to life settlements. The Laureola Advisors team has transacted over USD 1 billion in face value of life insurance policies.

Laureola Advisors was founded in 2012 by Tony Bremness to take advantage of the opportunities in the Life Settlements asset class. The Principals have invested their own capital in the fund.

Strategy Summary

The Laureola Australian Feeder Fund was established in July 2020 to invest in the Laureola BVI Master Fund. The Fund's strategy is to provide investors with exposure to the returns of US based life settlements in a risk mitigated manner.

Life Settlements are resold life insurance policies and can be thought of as a form of finance extended to an individual backed by the person's life insurance policy. This financing is repaid upon maturity by collecting the death benefit from the insurance company.

Investors should be aware that Life Settlements can suffer from liquidity issues, and that Laureola's redemption process is currently subject to delays and limitations.

Key Terms

Status: Soft closed Inception Date: Jul 2020
Strategy: Life Settlements Style: N/A
Geography: USA Domicile: Australia
Investors: Wholesale Min. Investment: AU$ 100,000
Distributions: N/A Applications: Monthly
Fund Size: US$ 27.1m Management Fee: 2.00%
Manager FUM: US$ 80m Performance Fee: 20.00%

Key Statistics

Fund Index* Fund Index*
Mar 2024: -0.48% 1.12% Sharpe1: -0.24 -0.54
1 Year: -3.25% 1.47% Sortino1: -0.36 -0.71
3 Years1,2: 0.51% -1.29% Best Month1: 2.26% 3.36%
5 Years1,2: N/A N/A Worst Month1: -2.40% -3.75%
Inception1,2: 0.86% -1.66% Volatility1,2: 3.14% 5.99%
Up-Capture1: -1% N/A Down-Capture1: -12% N/A
*Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index,   1Since Jul 2020,   2Annualised

General Notes

The Laureola Australia Feeder Fund is the localised feeder fund to the Laureola Investment Master BVI Fund and is the AUD hedged class, launched in July 2020. Returns of the Master BVI Fund are prior to Jul 2020 are shown on the Master Fund's Profile. Investors should be aware that Life Settlements can suffer from liquidity issues, and that Laureola's redemption process is currently subject to delays and limitations.

Cumulative Returns
Fund Index

Laureola Australia Feeder Fund - Cumulative Performance vs Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index


Fund Index


Fund Index

Quintile Ranking vs. Alternatives Peer Group (124 funds) as at March 2024

1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
7 Year
Laureola Australia Feeder Fund
Barclay Hedge Global Macro Index
Quintile Rankings display Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) against the fund's Peer Group. Each green square ranks the fund in one quintile (or 20%) of its peer group - five green squares indicate the fund is in the best quintile for each KPI. The performance of the peer group's underlying index is shown by a red dot.